Sunday, April 30, 2006

Family Man v Outstanding Guy

Let's start by examining the difference between what your family man and your outstanding guy mean to you.

If I were to ask you to describe a family man what would you say? Think about it and think hard about the details. You'll need to ask yourself questions like the ones listed below to get a true idea of YOUR family man:

-Is the chap in your mind tall or thin?
-Is he good looking or average?
-What is he wearing? Do you like what he's wearing?
-How is he wearing the clothes (good/bad fit, open collar or tie etc.)
-Is he doing something?
-Is he outdoors or indoors?
-What's the weather like?
-Are there any sounds? e.g. is your chap singing or talking, are there birds singing or does the sound of water dominate
-Is your picture dull and gloomy, is it in black and white and is it small?
-Or is it bright, shiny and in full panoramic technicolour?
-Is there much movement in your image?

There are many more things that you will notice and I cannot tell you what they are because the picture in your mind belongs to you and is therefore unique. That makes it exactly the RIGHT picture to be looking at. Spend at least 2-3 straight minutes working out all the detail about your family man

By now you will have a much clearer idea of what your family man looks, feels and sounds like. You knew all these things but didn't consciously think about them. Now that you've brought this to your attention you may be thinking "WOW! Did I really put all that together?" Well. the answer is yes you did and remember, it only took you a few seconds to create it, if that, so give yourself a huge pat on the back or even a hug!

Now you've got the idea, I'd like you to do the same thing for your outstanding guy.

You should have spent around 10-15 minutes reading and doing this exercise by now and now that you have a much clearer idea of how your family man differs from your outstanding guy, you can really start to think about the differences between the two men, their surroundings, how they talk, stand, look and act. Also, you should pay particular attention to how YOU created the pictures. Was there a difference between the picture sizes, the level of colour and the vividness of the image. Was one easier to create than the other?

My first insight for you then is that HOW you THINK affects WHAT you FEEL

"What do you mean?", I hear you all cry.

Well, have you noticed that the different sounds, colours and textures are directly related to what you felt when you conjured up the images. But better yet, and this is where the magic really begins, if you turn up the volume, change the picture size, add movement or turn up the lighting you will change how you feel towards each guy.

You can do this anytime you like about any image you have.

Why you would do this and when will be covered in the next blog.

Till next time, have an outstanding life.

In the beginning...

I am just an ordinary guy looking to have an outstanding life. I've searched the internet, I've looked through books and been to the best seminars in the world...

Eventually I found my answer and this blog serves to prove that an outstanding life starts from within and radiates out to everyone you meet.. every day, every hour, every minute and every second of your life. I will share my insights and thoughts in the hope that you might read something that lights a spark in you.

If your light already burns brightly then please share your thoughts. .

On this blog, I will share with you the secrets of how I maintain a passion for life and how I try to be a shining star that touches others and I want to hear your stories too...